Muddy Dog Jeep Tales with Lorraine Dale
One thing that I love is to ask everyone about their Jeeps and pets, the experiences and photos. I also love to lift other ladies up and highlight them. I am surrounded by some wonderful ladies who happen to have Jeeps and / or pets. I am starting an interview series about their stories to share with you every Thursday. These ladies are all different and have different Jeeps and types of pets. I love that our personalities show through our Jeeps.
The very first interview of the new Thursdays on Muddy Dog Jeep Tales is with Lorraine Dale. I am excited that she is the first one interviewed. I first met this spitfire, workaholic, and fun Lady at Trailjam at Loretta Lynn's in 2021. My husband and I hit it off with Lorraine and her husband, Jaxon. We had a great weekend interacting with each other. We laughed so hard while we worked our side by side booths. We were very busy but still had so much fun. We became friends and this dear Lady is a blessing to me. Please enjoy this interview with Lorraine Dale:
What is your Jeep name and how it was named: Ditch Witch
I’m a Halloween freak so I’ve earned my self a witchy rep it carried over to my Jeep
What started your interest in Jeeps?
I have loved jeeps since I was a little girl. In school girls took Home Ec classes, but I took auto shop. I built from the frame up my first vehicle, a Jeep, it’s name was monster. Sadly I have no images of it, they were destroyed in our house fire years ago.
How many jeeps have you owned?
We have own 8 jeeps to date
What is your favorite mod?
Hummmm that’s tough because I love them all… my Spider Web summer doors and sun shade nets set gives the open feel of freedom without the sun beating in your eyes and a bit of protection from debris coming off the road.
What do you like best about Jeeps and the Jeep lifestyle?
Well, I’m very much a fun free spirited person that loves to be in nature. A Jeep is a free spirited vehicle that I can take into nature and allows me to go where most vehicles can’t. There is a freedom you gain with your Jeep and a bond, of course to most people that may sound stupid but I would be lost without my Jeep. In regards to the Jeep community, Jeepers are a unique breed of fun lovin people who would take the shirts off their backs to help another person. You can rely on a Jeeper to go out of their way to help.
What is your favorite Jeep Story?
My favorite Jeep story probably is when we were in Uwharrie National Forest doing trails when we came up on a section where the trail changes from medium to hard and their was back up of Jeeps at a standstill. Jaxon got out of the Jeep to see why we were sitting and climbed up the hill turns out a jeep unlimited attempted the trail steep climb with large boulders did not do it properly and proceeded to drag his transmission over the rocks. The vehicle transmission was torn off and transmission fluid caught fire. the whole thing burnt to the ground. they had a person there contracted by the forest to pull it out as these people never notified anyone they just left the scene.
Helping others get out of the mud.
What is your favorite trails?
I would say the Uwharrie is my favorite trails. They are numerous, well marked and properly marked for user rating, help is close by, and many things to do while in the area.
Do you have a Jeep pet?
I have a Jeep Pet she is also our camping companion. Our dog Koko is a Giant Long Haired Chocolate Chihuahua.
Anything else you want to mention or any shout outs you want to give?
I would like to give a shout out to Great Smoky Mountain Jeep Club Invasion, Middle Tennessee Jeeps, Topless in Tennessee, Jeeps & Music, & Helping Hands Jeep Association. I want to thank you for the opportunity to be interviewed. We are part of the Jeep communities far & wide, and vend at many events. You can find us on Facebook under The Scent Shak (Lafayette, TN) or Adventure T's
You can also find us at : or
We custom make T-shirts, business shirts, group & organizations and much more. We also carry, candles, wax melts, warmers, incense, lotions, soaps & are proud to say we carry Lilla Rose Hair Care products...... & so much more. We are located @ 800 Ellington Drive, Lafayette, TN 37083 (615)688-2953
The Scent Shak
I hope you enjoyed reading about this wonderful lady. I highly recommend for everyone checking out her store, the Scent Shak. You will be truly blessed to get to know Lorraine and Jaxon. I am blessed to call them friend.
Lisa Gatewood
I am extremely grateful for the ones in my life who have taught me how to grow, stretch my comfort zone, laugh, and give me support. I am also thankful for a hair clip side gig that allows for many jeep trips, and it is the perfect way to contain the crazy jeep hair into beautiful hair. Here are the links if you are interested in the Jeep Jewelry or you can go to for that amazing hair Flexiclip.
The jeep hairclips are available with this Google form or at a show. To get a free video of 9 easy hairstyles and a chance to win a free Flexi Sport, register here: MuddyDogJeepBlog . For more styling videos you can check out my YouTube channel Gatewood's Jubilee .