Muddy Dog Jeep Tales with Jullian Edwards

One thing that I love is to ask everyone about their Jeeps and pets, the experiences and photos. I also love to lift other ladies up and highlight them. I am surrounded by some wonderful ladies who happen to have Jeeps and / or pets. This interview series about their stories to share with you every Thursday. These ladies are all different and have different Jeeps and types of pets. I love that our personalities show through our Jeeps.

Meet Jullian Edwards. I met her Jeep before I met Jullian. I saw her jeep and immediately took a photo and sent it to my brother. His name is on her Jeep (they do not know each other and have never met). Jullian is a Mom, wife, and she had horses and did barrel racing. She is an amazing Lady and I can’t wait for you to meet her and her Jeep:

Julian Edwards Jeep Interview

What is your Jeeps name and how did you decide on that name?

My Jeep’s name is A-A-Ron, from the Key and Peele comedy skit. The substitute teacher pronounces all the kids names wrong, and tells Aaron that he “done messed up”. The first time I took my jeep out on the trails, I ended up on some sxs trails and was trying to figure out how to get us out of the situation. My husband said “ you done messed up”, and it just stuck.

Who or what got you addicted to Jeeps??

I have always wanted a jeep since I could drive. I would see a video of a jeep driving through the mud, would see a jeep driving down the road with no doors and the top back, and would think to myself, “ that’s the good life right there”. When I was in my teens and a new driver, I was always told no because Jeep’s were dangerous and I might roll over. When I was in my 20’s I was told no because I had a new baby and Jeep’s were dangerous and they might roll over. When I hit my mid 30’s, I finally realized that I was an adult, and no one could stop me. My husband purchased my first jeep for me, and I have been over the moon excited every since. I didn’t realize how much fun you could actually have in one. I could never go back now.

Julian Edwards Jeep Interview

How many Jeeps have you owned or do own?

My current jeep is my first, and only for now. It’s a 2014 JK sport. I am currently saving to buy a xj to build, and to daily. I want to save the mileage on my JK so it will be around forever.

What mods are you most proud of or were the most excited to get?

Honestly, I am proud of all my mods. Each one has led to the next and has taught me along the way I didn’t follow the motto “ buy once, cry once”, once I figured that out it was too late. For instance, I should have gotten adjustable control arms instead of fixed. I realize this now, but didn’t when I purchased my lift kit. When I regeared, I should have added lockers at the same time. We live and learn, right? It can all be changed. One thing leads to needing the next, and the process is never complete.

Julian Edwards Jeep Interview

What do you like the best about Jeeps and the Jeep community?

I love my jeep, well because it’s a jeep. I don’t know how else to explain it. The jeep community is unlike other I have ever seen. There is always someone to help, give advice, etc. I was once stranded with what I thought was a broken jeep. I posted in a local jeep group on facebook, and within 30 minutes I was driving home. I had offers of trucks and trailers to come pick me up. I had another jeeper drive by to see if he could help. It was amazing, and the experience is the same anytime I have went anywhere.

What is your favorite Jeep story?

I have a lot of stories that I could tell. My 2 most memorable ones would have to be a Windrock off-road park. I won’t tell one of those stories... but the other one was my first time there. We did trail 51 (Panther rock) with a few others from a local jeep club. I ended up stuck in a mud hole. A friend that was with me tried to go around me, and he ended up stuck too. We laughed and laughed, and I was finally rescued by a rock crawling buggy. To get down to the rock, I had to go down a ledge, which I had never done before. A complete stranger got out and spotted the entire group down so we could get to the rock. That ledge is more beat up today than it was then, but today I would drive straight down it ( if it wasn’t raining ).

Julian Edwards Jeep Interview

What is your favorite trails and why?

My favorite trails would have to be Turkey Bay, because it is very close to me and I can pack a lunch and make a day out of it, then still be home for dinner. I have had amazing experiences at both Windrock and Coppinger Cove as well. Hope to add some more parks to that list this coming year .

Do you have any Jeep pets? Tell me about them.

I have a dog and some other small pets, but they are not “jeep pets” per say. The dog has rode with me a few times. But man. That hair that sticks to the seat covers that never comes off...... he did ride with us on the chairlift during the Great Smokey Mointain Jeep Invasion this past August.

Julian Edwards Jeep Interview

Any favorite groups you want to give a shout out to?

I love all of my jeep groups. The first one I joined after getting my jeep, was Then I joined a local group, Sumner County Jeep Crew. That group was one of the first experiences I had with local jeepers. They hold all kinds of jeep events, as well as family events like lake day and volleyball, breakfast on Saturday mornings. I also joined Clarksville Jeep Club. At the time I was working on that area, and they also hold lots of Jeep events as well as family friendly fund. Jeep’s and Wrenches is another local group. They do a Dancing Lights of Christmas ride every year, and host large rides to places like Nemo Tunnel. I’ve been amazed at all the things these groups accomplish and the atmosphere of friends and family.

I have met some amazing people through my jeep. I have only had my jeep for two years, so I can imagine that I am just touching the surface of the people I will meet and the places that I will go.

Julian Edwards Jeep Interview
Julian Edwards Jeep Interview

I hope you enjoyed meeting this fabulous woman. She also runs tough mudders. She is amazing and if you see her Jeep, tell her you met her here.

Muddy Dog Jeep Tales Blog

Lisa Gatewood

I am extremely grateful for the ones in my life who have taught me how to grow, stretch my comfort zone, laugh, and give me support. I am also thankful for a hair clip side gig that allows for many jeep trips, and it is the perfect way to contain the crazy jeep hair into beautiful hair. Here are the links if you are interested in the Jeep Jewelry or you can go to for that amazing hair Flexiclip.

The jeep hairclips are available with this Google form or at a show. To get a free video of 9 easy hairstyles and a chance to win a free Flexi Sport, register here: MuddyDogJeepBlog . For more styling videos you can check out my YouTube channel Gatewood's Jubilee .

Lisa Gatewood