Muddy Dog Jeep Tales with Julie Smith

I am so excited to introduce you to this amazing woman, Julie Smith. she does so much volunteer work and is always there to help or answer questions. This wonderful and energetic lady helps build others up, not just women, but all who are around her. She encourages you to be your best you. She is so much fun to be around and she is very positive. She is married to Brian Smith and the two of them are amazing friends to all in the jeep community.

Julie Smith Jeep Interview

What is your Jeep's name and how did you decide on the name? I have to?? Sigh.. so they say your friends are to name your Jeep and the color of my Jeep is Mojave Sand, camels are in the desert, I used to tow the Jeeps and Wrenches Club Trailer, and I am a Woman...well it got named... The Toe...Camel Toe...and I embraced it...Sigh... while the name will never be on it, I do have lil camels here and there on my jeep hidden.

Julie Smith Jeep Interview

2. What or who got you addicted to jeeps?

My husband. I always wanted a Jeep but never pulled the plug until I got stuck at work and had to be rescued and that was the end.

Julie Smith Jeep Interview

How many Jeeps have you owned / own?

This is my first.

What models and years?

2016 JKU Sport

Julie Smith Jeep Interview

What mods are you most proud of or were the most excited to get?

I think my lift was the most exciting to get due to us winning it in a raffle for like 30 bucks at one of the big Jeep events. But all my mods I am proud of because I have done most of the mods on my Jeep myself.

Julie Smith Jeep Interview

What do you like the best about Jeeps and the Jeep community?

I love the family atmosphere. The Jeep Community is my 2nd family. Someone is always there to help you out. I have met some of my good friends because of the community. I love volunteering at different events, from teaching new folks how to work, drive, wheel their events to just giving back to the community. Also the Jeep Community does not discriminate. We don't care about religion backgrounds, political backgrounds, jobs, how much you spent in your jeep,, etc. We all just want to hang out, wheel, wrench, and just have fun. Oh and guys will trust a woman too when it comes to wrenching on Jeeps. I have taught many men and women on how to install lifts on their jeeps as well as install rok lights.

Julie Smith Jeep Interview

What is your favorite Jeep story?

Aw man.. this is tough... because there are so many. But, if I have to pick one. I think this one is my favorite because to me, it wasn't a big deal, but to who it happened to, it was the world. In 2020, I volunteered at Boobs and Noobs, which is common. Right as we were getting ready to hit trails, one of the participants was having issues with her Jeep to the point it needed to be left in the parking lot. My husband and I didn't want her to miss out wheeling a Jeep on trails since she paid to come and learn, so we let her drive my Jeep. I got to help teach how to wheel on trails as passenger in my own Jeep :) To me, is what we do.. I had been on these trails so many times so it really wasn't a big deal.

Julie Smith Jeep Interview
Julie Smith Jeep Interview

What is your favorite trails and why?

I miss Golden Mountain.. I was able to wheel my Jeep stock there and took it on a few trails that I shouldn't have as a newbie, but did and did well. But I am fond of AOP as I know the trails very well, however, the green trails are now starting to be blue trails. Their color code is green= easy, blue=moderate, and black =advance. Anything easy/moderate I am down for as my Jeep is my daily driver.

Julie Smith Jeep Interview
Julie Smith Jeep Interview

Do you have any Jeep pets?

Tell me about them. We have 3 dogs, but only 1 loves riding on trails. Bella and Colt are our miniature dachshunds and love riding in the Jeep on the streets, but hate riding on the trails, so they typically stay back at camp. Rubi is our German Shepherd and LOVES the Jeep. We cannot say Jeep in the house or she goes crazy. And if the doors are off the Jeep, she thinks is free for all and can get in at any time for a ride. If we are out on trails, you will see her with us in her gear.

Julie Smith Jeep Interview
Julie Smith Jeep Interview

Any favorite groups you want to give a shout out to?

Jeeps and Wrenches. I have been a part of this group since day 1!

Julie Smith Jeep Interview
Julie Smith Jeep interview - A soldiers child

Anything else you want to share? Any other interest?

I love arts and crafts, addicted to obstacle course races (Spartan, Tough Mudder, Original Mud Run, etc.), any runs that include awesome Medals, Stitch fanatic, and a huge Family person. My life revolves around my husband, my pets, family and friends. If I am not at work, we are trying working on our jeeps, rolling around in mud or hanging with friends. Thank you for letting me be a part of this. I love encouraging and empowing women!!

muddy princess
tough mudder
Julie Smith Interview
Julie Smith Jeep Interview

I hope you enjoyed meeting Julie Smith. She is an amazing woman who loves to help others. If you see Julie and Camel Toe, let her know you met her here. And I have to add that anytime you let someone drive your Jeep, it is a big deal.

I am extremely grateful for the ones in my life who have taught me how to grow, stretch my comfort zone, laugh, and give me support. I am also thankful for a hair clip side gig that allows for many jeep trips, and it is the perfect way to contain the crazy jeep hair into beautiful hair. Here are the links if you are interested in the Jeep Jewelry or you can go to for that amazing hair Flexiclip.

The jeep hairclips are available with this Google form or at a show. To get a free video of 9 easy hairstyles and a chance to win a free Flexi Sport, register here: MuddyDogJeepBlog . For more styling videos you can check out my YouTube channel Gatewood's Jubilee .

Lisa Gatewood