Muddy Dog Jeep Tales with Amber Ledford
Meet Amber Ledford. She is a Mom of 2 of the sweetest and helpful teenagers and wife of Billy. She has a helpful and peaceful presence about her. She is a joy to know. We met through Lady Jeepers on the Paris, TN trip.
What is your jeeps name and how did you decide on the name?
The name of my jeep is Calypso. My husband and I were talking about my old jeep, Pearl, and previous to that one, Evagaline, we thought we would keep with the pirates theme and she reminds me more of Calypso from Pirates of the Caribbean with all of my tikis. I plan to actually badge her with the name this summer before Trail Jam this summer with the coordinates to where my husband and I met down in Louisiana
What or who got you addicted to jeeps?
My husband bought my first jeep for me in 2007. I fell in love with the look and the customization that we could do. The people that have jeeps, no matter what kind they are, were always kind and respectful.
How many jeeps have you owned/own?
As of today, we have had/have 6 jeeps in all, we are planning on the near future buying one for my daughter for her first vehicle.
What models and years?
Mine of course starts first lol, 2010 Jeep Wrangler Islander edition (Calypso), my husband has Papa Smurf 1989 Jeep Cherokee, my son’s jeep is an 89’ Jeep YJ, he has named it the Pineapple Express (I have no idea why lol, I’ll have to ask him about his name), we have a 2001 grand Cherokee (I named her Pearl because of the off white in the snow), in the past we had a 1991 jeep Comanche, it was just black jeep lol, and my first jeep was a 1998 Jeep Cherokee (I named her Evangeline)
What mods are you most proud of or were the most excited to get?
My most favorite are my lights!! I absolutely love them and turning them on in the trails looking like a spaceship scooting down the trails. have currently found the joy of spray paint for vehicles, we are about to pull the diff cover and I’m going to paint it the same color as the inside of Calypso. I was most excited for my birthday present from my family for my tiki grill cover for Calypso. The one I’m most proud of is when I helped my husband put a lift on Papa Smurf. Just learning how to do the mods ourselves
What do you like best about jeeps and the jeep community?
My most favorite thing is nobody is trying to say I’m better than you are. Every single person I have met has always been fun and super easy to talk to.
What is your favorite jeep story? This past summer during Jeep Trail Jam @ Loretta Lynn’s was my absolute favorite time I have ever had. We met a group of veterans, and they gave me a walkie – talkie and told my family to load up were going on the trails. Everybody made sure that the group that was with us was safe and having fun. Everybody is so welcoming into everything and participating and bringing first timers (like myself) down harder trails that I wouldn’t have otherwise done on my own. Gaining confidence in riding the trails and seeing what my Jeep can do.
What are your favorite trails and why?
The green trails at Loretta Lynn’s were my favorite new trail during the Trail fest because of all the new experiences going up and down the hills. My favorite all time trail is right by my house. It’s a nice calming ride down to Kentucky Lake (that we spend a lot of time at lol).
Do you have any jeep pets? Tell me about them?
I have a 4 month old beagle mix (Beignet) that I am training to be my new Jeep baby, and I have 2 mini weenies (Pepper & Skeeter) that absolutely love the trails and the creeks. Skeeter doesn’t like the water as much as Pepper and Beignet do, though lol.
Any favorite groups you want to give a shout out to?
Lady Jeepers, JeepHers, and Topless in TN are my most favorite groups. I recently have been having issues with my heating in my Jeep and everybody has been full throttle trying to help me get it fixed before winter hits.
Anything to add?
I am 35 years old, I live in TN. I grew up in Louisiana. I am so thankful to be a part of the Jeep community!
I hope you enjoyed meeting this fabulous woman. If you get a chance to meet Amber and Calypso in person, tell her you met her here.
Lisa Gatewood
I am extremely grateful for the ones in my life who have taught me how to grow, stretch my comfort zone, laugh, and give me support. I am also thankful for a hair clip side gig that allows for many jeep trips, and it is the perfect way to contain the crazy jeep hair into beautiful hair. Here are the links if you are interested in the Jeep Jewelry or you can go to for that amazing hair Flexiclip.
The jeep hairclips are available with this Google form or at a show. To get a free video of 9 easy hairstyles and a chance to win a free Flexi Sport, register here: MuddyDogJeepBlog . For more styling videos you can check out my YouTube channel Gatewood's Jubilee .