JK / JT and how my jeeps got their names (originally written on another blog site)
I have a Jk that is named Muddy Dog. I used to be teased about having the cleanest jeep in the jeep club. Now it is hard to find the decal footprints on the jeep most days for the mud. I still have to fight the urge to wash and wax before every jeep club meeting though. The paw prints are actually my dog, Endeavor's paw prints and mine. We played in the mud and captured the footprints. Then had the vinyls made.
I finally got the vehicle I've always wanted. I had been talked out of it so many times before. The mods for this rig was done by various people and shops, with the majority of the work done by my husband and one of his friends. I have been blessed to be able to make the jeep into what I dreamed of. This blog will be random thoughts about basically anything Jeep, Dogs, and whatever else comes to mind.
I have met some pretty incredible and nice people through all of the jeep and dog adventures. I decided maybe someone else might enjoy the journey too.
I recently bought Muddy Dog II. It is a silver Gladiator. I have the vinyl ordered to make it actually Muddy Dog II. I have an enclosed trailer which will also get paw prints. The JT is my pavement princess. Trying to keep it very clean. It does have the first scratch on it. It is longer than the Jk and I backed into something. Just minor scratches for the JT.
I enjoy taking people with me on the trails. I consider myself a beginner still after 3.5 years. I love the Jeep community and seeing what my Jeep can do.
** update the vinyls are on **
Lisa Gatewood
I am extremely grateful for the ones in my life who have taught me how to grow, stretch my comfort zone, laugh, and give me support. I am also thankful for a hair clip side gig that allows for many jeep trips, and it is the perfect way to contain the crazy jeep hair into beautiful hair. Here are the links if you are interested in the Jeep Jewelry www.gatewoodsjubilee.biz. or you can go to www.LillaRose.biz/Gatewood for that amazing hair Flexiclip.
The jeep hairclips are available with this Google form or at a show. To get a free video of 9 easy hairstyles and a chance to win a free Flexi Sport, register here: MuddyDogJeepBlog . For more styling videos you can check out my YouTube channel Gatewood's Jubilee .