Jeep Ducks - Love it or Hate it?
I was asked recently if I had blogged about the Jeep ducks yet? My answer was "no" and I gave my reason that not everyone was into the Jeep ducks. It is very love it or hate it type of thing. So why did I change my mind? Simple. I have noticed so many people using hate to discourage something positive. I choose to spread the positive and kindness.
The story behind the Jeep Ducks is very simply about a lady who turned a positive out of a bad situation. Here is a short article about how it started:
It all started in July, 2020 in Canada. Allison Parliament, a woman who lives in Orillia, Ontario, Canada but also works in Alabama, and sports Alabama plates on her car, had just returned to her Canadian home, quarantined for the two prescribed two weeks, and had just had a negative test for COVID.
She went out in public and was approached by a stranger who physically attacked her. The man cursed her and told her she was not welcome in Canada. Whereas Canada had a relatively low-level bout with the pandemic, many Canadians were skeptical of seeing Americans coming into the country and possibly spreading the disease.
But Parliament didn’t get angry. Instead, she wanted to do something that was fun and would bring smiles to people, especially in such a tough year. So… she and her friends bought a little yellow rubber duck, and placed it on a Jeep they saw parked nearby… and waited. The Jeep’s owner liked it and considered it funny. Parliament put the incident on social media and the craze took off.
Here is the full article for more details. *Parliment's "car" as mentioned above was a Jeep, the reason she chose Jeeps to duck. #duckduckjeep #DuckingJeeps This has become an international craze with participants in 22 countries.
I love going out and seeing a duck on either of my Jeeps. I give thanks to Allison for turning a negative into a positive. I appreciate people who can have an affect on so many in a positive way and give out smiles internationally.
Last year 3 ladies and I were on a Ladies long weekend away. I was the only Jeeper in the mix. We took my Jeep Gladiator with the top and windows down most places. That is what you do at the beach, right? I took a bag of Ducks and introduced them to Ducking Jeeps. We have had so much fun with it. Have you ever heard grown Ladies get so excited about something they were GIGGLING? All of us were giggling. They even found this infant duck float to Duck my Jeep before we left from that trip. Can you imagine the fun they had trying to surprise me and keep the secret while with me the entire time? I bet more giggles were involved. This still makes me smile and warms my heart.
It didn't stop there. One of my friends took the duck fun home with her and shared it with her family. They do not own a Jeep. They have ducked Jeeps in their hometown. It is something to spread cheer and kindness whether you own a jeep or not. These were all from one day. The tags are all unique and some just write on the ducks with a sharpie.
I hear more and more people insisting that their way is the only way and being hateful to others. Most Jeepers that I have run into carry an attitude of Your Jeep Your Way, and My Jeep My Way. When I run into those who get loud about their way is the only way to do a Jeep build, arguing for / against certain products, or where stickers MUST go on a Jeep, then it is time for me to give them the space they need to be alone with their opinions. I might not like something, but who am I to tell you how your stickers MUST go on your Jeep. I wouldn't do that. This is growing for me into more of my life. The more someone insists that I HAVE to believe their way, or do something their way, the more I NEED to stand back and evaluate. I can seek wise council and that doesn't come from someone trying to strong arm me or others. Jeeps are as unique as the people who drive them.
If you want to duck other Jeeps and get smiles and even giggles from doing so, then go for it and have fun. If you don't like the ducks, that is fine too. Please do not try to ruin other peoples fun. Let us please just have fun with out bashing each other. There is too much of that everywhere else. Spreading kindness is the entire point of Ducking Jeeps.
Lisa Gatewood
I am extremely grateful for the ones in my life who have taught me how to grow, stretch my comfort zone, laugh, and give me support. I am also thankful for a hair clip side gig that allows for many jeep trips, and it is the perfect way to contain the crazy jeep hair into beautiful hair. Here are the links if you are interested in the Jeep Jewelry or you can go to for that amazing hair Flexiclip.
The jeep hairclips are available with this Google form or at a show. To get a free video of 9 easy hairstyles and a chance to win a free Flexi Sport, register here: MuddyDogJeepBlog . For more styling videos you can check out my YouTube channel Gatewood's Jubilee .